Both highest property and homogeneity are goals we have been struggling for and will stick at. Magnetic property homogeneity means property deviation range between the same lot products or between different production lots. It is a systematic engineering to keep homogeneities of property, surface gauss and flux. Besides material composition, powder particle size and processes of molding, sintering, machining process and coating also determine homogeneities of magnetic property, surface gauss and flux.
In powder making process, we control the powder particle size to keep homogenous magnetic property; in molding process, we stabilize the molding force pressure and change manual material-feeding with automatic material-feeding to get uniform density of semi-product; in sintering process, we stabilize sintering temperature and change coal heating furnace with electric-power furnace in sintering hard ferrite magnet to get homogenous magnetic property; in machining process, we control the deviations of dimension and angle between geometric axial and anisotropic axial to improve homogeneity of magnet dimension, dimension ratio and pole deviation; in coating process, we control coating layer thickness (determining air gap), and time and concentration of acid in washing magnet to enhance homogeneity of dimension and dimension ratio.
These actions are doubtlessly helpful to fulfill our goals. For information on values of homogeneity, please contact us.